
January 6, 2024

What Are Rogue Waves? Learn About This Dangerous Ocean Phenomena

The ocean is immense and powerful. Lifeguards, sailors, and marine scientists spend years training and studying to predict its changing tides. Among the most terrifying phenomena that can occur out at sea are rogue waves—which are waves that come out of nowhere and are over twice as tall as those surrounding them. Long thought to be a myth, these massive waves can be exceptionally dangerous.

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December 16, 2023

Brazil Pledges $204 Million To Restore Damaged Woodland in the Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon is considered the most biodiverse tract of tropical rainforest in the world. Sadly, it has been facing large-scale deforestation due to climate change and logging. In an effort to fight this, Brazil has just pledged $204 million to help restore degraded or destroyed woodland in the Amazon rainforest. The announcement was made by Brazil's national development bank (BNDES) at the United Nations COP28 climate summit in Dubai.

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November 28, 2023

Portugal Ran on 100% Renewable Energy for Six Days in a Row

Thanks to its unique geography, Portugal can truly benefit from renewable energy. It boasts over a thousand miles of coast, over 300 sunny days a year, and, when it's cloudy, it can get powerful winds. This convenient mixture resulted in Portugal running on 100% renewable energy for six days in a row, painting a hopeful picture for the future.

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