
August 12, 2024

Trees “Hold Their Breath” During Wildfires To Avoid Damage From the Smoke

The harmful particles and gases in wildfire smoke are just as bad for trees as they are for humans and animals. And while we may stay indoors or wear masks to protect ourselves, trees also have a clever system to withstand the aftermath of forest fires. A study conducted by MJ Riches and Delphine Farmer from Colorado State University found that trees pretty much “hold their breath” to avoid damage from the smoke.

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July 11, 2024

Scientists Solve the Mystery of How Butterflies Flew 2,600 Miles Without Stopping

If a butterfly flaps its wings, will a hurricane suddenly materialize? No, not likely; but it turns out butterflies can still achieve some impressive feats with their delicate fluttering. After a decade of some serious detective work, entomologist Gerard Talavera and his team at the Botanical Institute of Barcelona (CSIC) have shown that the Vanessa cardui can manage to migrate from West Africa to South America.

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April 30, 2024

Rare Sapphire Tower Plant Blooms for First and Last Time After 20 Years

Many beautiful things prove exceptionally worth waiting for. Among these, and particularly among the slow-moving wonders of nature, is the Sapphire Tower plant. This large plant is native to the footlands of Chilean mountain regions, growing in elevations of up to 2,200 meters (about 7,218 feet). It can also be found in greenhouses and botanical gardens around the world—including one specimen at The Birmingham Botanical Gardens in the UK.

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