
March 31, 2023

Genius Teens Discover New Proofs for the Pythagorean Theorem

In school, all students are taught the Pythagorean Theorem at some point. It is an ancient formula—named after sixth-century BCE Greek mathematician Pythagoras—which historians believe was independently developed in different ways across the ancient world in Mesopotamia, India, and Egypt. Building on ancient proofs of the theorem, mathematicians over the past two millennia have developed around 350 proofs to show its validity.

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March 25, 2023

Study Suggests That Early Retirement Can Cause Cognitive Decline

One of the many advantages of getting older is the prospect of retirement. Relaxing after years of hard work sounds well-deserved, and being able to take advantage of decades of savings sounds tranquil. But when, exactly, should you retire? The typical age ranges across the globe from the early to late 60s, and with life expectancy ranging upwards to the mid-80s worldwide, it makes sense to relish in many years of not working.

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