
November 18, 2022

NASA’s Artemis I Rocket Successfully Launches Into Outer Space

A new era in space exploration has begun thanks to the successful launch of NASA's Space Launch System (SLS). The rocket, which is the most powerful in the world, took off from the Kennedy Space Center on November 16, 2022, as part of the Artemis I mission. The rocket is carrying the Orion spacecraft 40,000 miles beyond the Moon before it returns back to Earth on December 11.

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November 8, 2022

Study Shows Therapeutic Community Gardening Reduced Loneliness During the Pandemic

Have you heard of green exercise? The term—developed by University of Essex in 2003—refers to recreation and spending time in nature. It encompasses “green care” which is using nature for healing purposes. Such therapeutic interventions were put to a true test during the COVID-19 pandemic. People were locked down at home, with outdoors being the safest space to see others.

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October 27, 2022

Scientists Say Not to Bag Your Raked Leaves This Fall

Soil health is an underrated, yet highly critical, environmental factor. It promotes climate resistance, microbe diversity, and healthy plants and animals. How can you support soil health and protect your local biome? This fall, experts are opposed to bagging up your leaves and disposing them in the trash. By letting your fall leaves strategically decay on the ground, you can nourish your plants and restore the soil's nutrient supplies, while not adding to local landfills.

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