September 13, 2015

Weathered Beauty of 500 Colorful Garage Doors Withstanding the Test of Time

Lithuanian photographer Agne Gintalaite shows us that even a simple garage door can serve as the perfect muse for an entire project. Within her Beauty Remains series, the artist documents the colorful entrances that have stood intact for decades, while allowing time to leave its mark. “On a recent trip to the IKEA that has recently opened up on the edge of Vilnius, I was surprised to see a sprawling garage town nearby,” Gintalaite says.

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September 12, 2015

Artist Crafts Incredibly Realistic Gigantic Flowers Out of Paper

San Francisco-based artist Tiffanie Turner has had a lifelong obsession with botanicals, expressing her adoration in the form of incredibly realistic paper flowers. Using delicate crepe material, she crafts soft-looking petals that have the same creases, folds, and postures to convincingly mimic nature. The faux florals vary in dimension, and Turner is as comfortable working in a palm-sized scale as she is creating massive pieces that are nearly three feet wide.

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September 11, 2015

New in the Shop: The Magical Stories of Still-Life Photographer Dina Belenko

Self-taught Russian photographer Dina Belenko creates captivating scenes that magically bring life to everyday objects. Using creative arrangements, skillful photography and lighting, and surprisingly little photo manipulation–Belenko successfully brings movement and emotion to each of her imaginative photo illustrations. According to the photographer, “Every object contains a kind of ‘folded story' inside it.

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