April 18, 2022

Ingenious Chair Designed To Easily Transform Into Storage Shelf

Finding furniture that is affordable, attractive, and functional can be a challenge, especially when it comes to scoring the ideal furnishings for a kid’s room. The best kid's furniture often serves multiple purposes and includes storage solutions or other innovations to make the most of limited space and manage the clutter of an energetic child’s domain.

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April 17, 2022

How Gustave Courbet Shocked the Art World With His Realistic Depictions of Everyday People

The 19th century was a time of significant artistic change in Europe, particularly in France. While the era began with an emphasis on Romanticism, another movement arose in the 1840s that drastically altered the course of art history. Based in France, Realism emphasized the lives of ordinary, working-class people in contemporary settings. Gustave Courbet was at the heart of this movement, creating large-scale depictions of peasants that shocked the country.

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April 16, 2022

All Hail Sobekneferu: Learn About the First Known Female Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt

The title of pharaoh is synonymous with the grandeur of the ancient Egyptian civilization. This name—which means “great house” in hieroglyphics—was given to the rulers who led this large empire. And while the majority of these figures were men like King Tut and Ramesses II, there were a few influential women who earned the title. The first recorded female pharaoh was Sobekneferu.

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