February 7, 2022

Son Photoshops His Dad Into Famous Film Scenes and Iconic Pieces of Pop Culture

When we’re really young, our parents are the celebrities of our lives. So to imagine them as the star of many famous films? It’s not far-fetched. Matt Bonito has done just that with his series of images that feature his father, Dom Bonito. Photoshopped into iconic movie scenes and famous works of art and photographs. According to Matt, his dad is integral to scenes in many films. He's featured alongside Samuel L.

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February 6, 2022

15 Great Sculptors Who Changed the History of Art

Rodin, Michelangelo, Donatello—these are the names of the innovative visionaries behind some of the greatest sculptures in art history. Sculptors like these gifted creatives have the unique opportunity to bring their subjects to life and manipulate materials to defy the expectations of spectators. Whether chiseling marble or casting in bronze, there is no denying the power of sculpture. Throughout history, there have been famous sculptors who have withstood the test of time.

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February 6, 2022

This Third-Grader’s Email Perfectly Illustrates Why Representation Matters

What we believe we can become is often shaped by the world we see around us. This is especially true for young children who dream of becoming everything from astronauts to future world leaders. And it’s one of the reasons why representation matters so much. For Asian American marine biologist and Ph.D. candidate Elaine Shen, she had never considered herself to be an inspiration for future generations.

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February 5, 2022

5 Space Hotel Designs That Are Out of This World (Literally)

Have you ever dreamed of spending a night in the vast emptiness of space? While we as a species have learned to escape the confines of Earth and explore the great unknown, the journey is a privilege for only the select few. With the rigor of training that astronauts undergo before traveling to space, the idea of everyday consumers completing the trip sounds like a distant dream.

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