December 29, 2021

66-Million-Year-Old Fossilized Dinosaur Egg Discovered With Baby Inside

Many dinosaurs emerged into their prehistoric world from large eggs. Despite finding nests and eggshells, it is rare for scientists to discover an intact fetus. An egg discovered in 2000 languished in a Chinese museum for years before researchers discovered that it contained a rare phenomenon. Curled inside is a well-preserved skeleton of a fetal oviraptorosaur, a three-toed dinosaur with hollow bones.

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December 29, 2021

Fashionable Females Lost and Found in Dreamy Storybook Photos [Interview]

Serbian fine art photographer Jovana Rikalo combines fashion with nature to create dreamy escapist images that look like scenes from a storybook. From a mom and child wearing matching ballgowns in a grassy meadow to a woman wearing an ethereal white gown and leading a horse through a field of flowers, each photograph offers a portal into a lovely world you'd want to visit.

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December 28, 2021

Surreal Ceramic Sculptures Capture Bountiful Beauty and Spectacular Shapes Found in Nature

Ceramic artist Carol Long captures the delicate intricacy of nature in her detailed ceramic sculptures. Her organic forms with their twisting spouts and swirling handles often take the shape of insects and wildlife. And if not, the vessels are sure to have an homage to the spectacularity of flora and fauna somewhere on their surfaces.

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