Though not much can be found on Santlov the photographer one thing is certain, he has a hilarious sense of humor. First spotted on Instagram, we dug around a bit and found that he already has quite the following with over 7,000 likes on his Facebook page. His About section simply says “My toys have toys” and on One Life, where he's currently entered into a photography contest, he succinctly writes, “I want to show the world that ToysRLikeUs.”
Santlov shows us the secret life of toys, giving us an awesome, behind the scenes look at what some of our favorite characters, like Woody from Toy Story, Stormtroopers, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, do on their time off. One look and you can't help but laugh at his ingenious and clever ways.
Here's just a taste. These are 15 of our favorite photos that show “straight and narrow” Woody like you've never seen.
At what point should I let him know he was supposed to use cucumbers…
Hand that feeds you
Woody is taking his food pics to the next level
Such a Mac daddy
Now you know who the silent bidder was.
Play with your kids
Bubble baths > Bath salts
Craigslist Creeper 2.0
One man party
Disney royalties
Wood'ception 2.0
Steve & Woody