Illustrator and designer David Olenick has a knack for pairing adorable characters with a biting wit. His minimalist artworks grace a variety of products like pillows and greeting cards but are most popular on t-shirts. Smiling foods, unhappy umbrellas, and puzzled dinosaurs accompany short sayings that reveal what the subject is thinking. Olenick's designs give us a funny glimpse into these ridiculous inner monologues.
Anxiety, embarrassment, and character flaws all inspire the creative's work. A lot of his ideas are born in bars and restaurants, suggesting that these types of things don't come from hours of brainstorming. Instead, Olenick's illustrations seem like they could begin as funny thoughts or conversations that are then best worked out on napkins.
Check out his Tumblr and you'll get a glimpse of his process. Concepts are started with a very rough sketch and later refined into what we see here. You can buy Olenick's work online through Society6 and Threadless, where he frequently posts new hilarious designs.
David Olenick Tumblr and Facebook page
via [Izismile]