Fear is an emotion that all people experience, though it's easy to feel alone in your panic as your nightmares are getting the best of you. Whether it's a certain predator with scales, sharp teeth, and talons; creepy, crawly spiders; clowns who only pretend to be your friend; or a monster in your closet, we all have particular phobias that keep us up late at night. To show the world that we're never alone in such fears, artist Fran Krause created Deep Dark Fears–a web comic that illustrates others' sometimes humorous, sometimes gory, and mostly downright relatable fears.
When Kruase decided to design this series in 2012, he was inspired by his own experiences. “It just occurred to me that I had a lot of irrational fears, a lot of persistent thoughts that would pop into my head,” the artist told Big Shiny Robot. “You know, I knew they were irrational and I wasn't paralyzed by them or anything but they would happen to me and I would think, that's a weird thing to think and it would probably be less weird if it didn't pop up every couple months. Just these persistent things that I've had since childhood, that's always been on my mind.”
To help others get their fears out of their heads in a creative fashion, Krause developed an online submission form for readers who would like their deepest, darkest fears illustrated. Thanks to his success with this endeavor, the artist was able to produce a Deep Dark Fears book featuring 101 comics that are sure to make you feel less alone when a horror movie-type idea suddenly emerges in your mind.
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All images via Deep Dark Fears.