In the series by photographer Magdalena Bors, entitled The Seventh Day, each photograph features a single person set within a chaotic and surreal domestic space. Bors constructs the bizarre environments as a visual connection between ourselves and the natural world, saying, “I am fascinated by the simultaneous strength and fragility of this connection as we go about our lives, spending most of our time within the confines of the small compartments we call home.?”
The Seventh Day characters are overrun by the imaginative creations that Bors builds indoors. Colorful and artificial plants, stalagmite rocks, and Dr. Seuss-like tree branches overtake living rooms, basements, and hallways in an exciting cinematic display. Bors says the process of building the sets is labor-intensive, but she performs the repetitive tasks until her personal vision is complete and she achieves these final results, which are magnificent and unique indoor landscapes.