The residents of Alentego, Portugal have created an enchanting world that's filled to the brim with paper flowers. For four months, the townspeople dedicated their time to dressing Alentego's streets in these delicate paper creations for The Flowers' Festival. Rather than choosing only one or two streets to work on, they decided to decorate the entire city–so that each street has its own special theme. One road features brightly colored poppies to instantly catch your eye, while another displays a relaxing blend of handcrafted jasmine. These dazzling assemblages make it no surprise that people are traveling from all over the world just so they can admire the craftsmanship, twinkling lights, and unique shadows that are cast between the floral artwork.
Luckily, visitors to this community are able to marvel at a sky made solely of paper blossoms. Guests can also take a moment to realize that this view is completely handmade, which is why the event is also known as The People's Festival. And though the paper flowers are incredibly stunning on their own, it's also the residents' dedication that makes this tremendous venture a heartwarming work of love. If you want to witness this beautiful display of community spirit in person, you have until August 30th to do so.
The Flowers' Festival: Website | Facebook
Alentego: Website | Facebook
via [Bored Panda, Where Two Go To]