Over the past six years, artist Shayna Leib has been creating incredible sculptures that show the movement of wind and water over sea anemone-likelandscapes. Inspired by her travels, including her deep water dives, this Madison, Wisconsin-based artist designs these unique glass sculptures that appear like sculptures popping out of paintings. Most amazing is her ability to twist and turn the glass to create the illusion of movement.
“Two of the most powerful elements on our planet are nearly indiscernible to the human eye, yet we are innately aware of their presence, their capacity to soothe and destroy, and their ability to weave patterns where they touch,” she states about her Wind and Water series.
“Wind and water possess no intrinsic color, are clear to the point of invisibility, and yet move through space. We see not their form itself, but can detect their patterns and shapes only vicariously though the objects they affect. The trace of water's touch over moss and sea life, the wind's passage over marshlands, through wheat fields and the fur of a long-haired animal- these two forces make their presence known. Their character is contradictory and fickle, encompassing fragility and violence, placidity and turbulence.
“They leave their mark upon our world. We have discovered some of their patterns and named them, giving them character and life: Kuroshio, Leeuwin, Sirocco, Charybdis, Boreas, Agulhas, the Nor'easters. The Wind & Water series was created to explore their influence through sculptural glass landscape.”