
May 14, 2020

Beautiful Mandarin Duck Makes His Yearly Appearance in Canada

Male Mandarin ducks are considered some of the most beautiful animals in the world, thanks to their head full of colorful feathers. Native to East Asia, where they are still found in abundance, there is also a significant population in Britain. This population was cultivated after domesticated Mandarins, imported from China in the 20th century, escaped and created a feral colony.

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May 13, 2020

Amazing Winners of the BigPicture Natural World Photography Competition

Life on Earth has once again been showcased in all its glory thanks to the BigPicture Natural World Photography Competition. Each year the event, which is run by the California Academy of Sciences, attracts top nature and wildlife photographers, who submit their best work for consideration. As ever, the level of competition is high and, this year, the grand prize went to a photo of a brave animal facing a harsh winter storm.

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May 8, 2020

Heartwarming Photos Capture Two Penguins Comforting Each Other at Night

In times of need, we often turn to friends for comfort. Animals are no different and photographer Tobias Baumgaertner proved this when he shared these moving photos with the world. Taken in Melbourne, the photographs show two penguins embracing each other as they gaze upon the city lights. Baumgaertner spent three nights with the little penguin colony in St. Kilda before he was able to snap the photographs.

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