
March 3, 2020

Man Spends 40 Years Photographing Japanese Parents and Children to See How They Evolve

The bond between parent and child is something special and perhaps no one knows that better than Bruce Osborn. Based in Tokyo since 1980, the American photographer has dedicated nearly 40 years to his long-term project Oyako. This portrait series shares photographs different sets of parents and children throughout the years to examine how they grow and develop together.

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March 1, 2020

Interview: Woman Spends Months in Siberia Documenting Lives of Nomadic Reindeer Herders

Documentary photographer Alegra Ally has dedicated her life to telling the stories of indigenous people around the world. Since she was a teenager, she has spent time with remote tribes in Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Namibia, and now Siberia. Thanks to a successful fundraising campaign on Kickstarter, Ally was able to journey to the Yamal Peninsula and join a family of nomadic reindeer herders as they made their annual winter migration.

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February 28, 2020

Woman Discovers a Literal “Eye of the Storm” Looking Into Her Window

When Sarah Hodges looked out her window on the night of February 11, she saw a spectacular sight. Storm Ciara, a period marked by strong winds and torrential rain, had offered a moment of reprieve around 9:30 PM that night. During this time of peace, a cloud formation moved away from a full moon and a pale blue iris watched over the landscape. It was a literal “eye of the storm” staring back at Hodges.

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February 26, 2020

Photographer Captures Incredible Image of Mars Peeking Out From Behind the Moon

Astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy is always pushing his work to new levels. By capturing and stacking thousands of images—sometimes over 100,000—he's able to produce incredibly high-resolution photographs of the night sky. So it's no surprise that when important astronomical events come around, he's prepared. For instance, the recent lunar occultation of Mars was an opportunity too good to pass up, so McCarthy packed up his equipment and made sure he was ready.

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