
October 16, 2022

Doctors in Brussels Can Now Prescribe Museum Visits For Mental Health

Mental health issues are on the rise, and the impact of the pandemic hasn't helped to stem the tide. There are many ways to improve our mental well-being. Recent studies have shown that art and culture opportunities can boost our mental health—including lowering our anxiety and depression and even improving our critical thinking skills. Doctors in Brussels are taking this kind of research seriously and are putting academic papers into action.

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October 13, 2022

Nicole Aunapu Mann Makes History as the First Native American Woman in Space

Nicole Aunapu Mann has become the first Native American woman in space. As we previously reported, Mann was due to fly to the International Space Station (ISS) on the SpaceX Dragon Endurance spacecraft. One of the most impressive aspects of this historic achievement is that she has done so as mission commander. Mann is only the second Native American in space—the first being John Herrington, who flew on a 2002 space shuttle mission.

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October 4, 2022

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Helped Fund a New Drug for Treatment

In late summer 2014, no one could open up their social media feeds without encountering countless videos of people—from one's friends to celebrities—dumping buckets of icy cold water over their heads. The viral trend known as the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge began as a way to raise awareness and funds for research into ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.

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