This fantastic illustrated story is a heartwarming reminder to never give up on what makes us happy in life, even if obstacles and social expectations get in the way. It was created by Australia-based freelance artist Gavin Aung Than of Zen Pencils, a cartoon blog featuring inspirational quotes adapted in the form of playful comic stories.
The project, entitled Bill Watterson: A cartoonist's advice, is a hand-drawn tale based off a speech given by Bill Watterson, creator of Calvin and Hobbes. Than chose Watterson's words because he says, “To me, Calvin and Hobbes is cartooning perfection–that rare strip that has both exquisite writing AND gorgeous artwork. A strip that managed to convey the joy of childhood, absurdity of humanity and power of imagination all through the relationship between a boy and his stuffed tiger. And most importantly, a strip that was consistently laugh-out-loud funny.”
In Watterson's creative style, Than translated the thought-provoking message into this playful, lighthearted comic that basically tells the story of events from his own life.
Zen Pencils website
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