Seoul-based digital artist and sculptor Kyuin Shim explores complex themes through his distorted visions of the human body. With a mastery of constructing sculptures and realistic, digital 3D renderings, the Korean artist creates monochromatic, mannequin-like figures whose forms are transformed in fascinating, sometimes unsettling, ways.
Shim's latest series ?? (translated from Korean as both “black black” and “the sound of crying”) portrays a collection of black figures whose bodies are frozen in various states of deterioration. Swallowed up by threatening bubbles, dissolving in a chair, or dripping matter onto the floor, the sculptures seem to explore despair and the destruction of self. Past works include Small Place, a depiction of multiple people crammed into the confining space of a rectangular prism, and Bowl, a rendering of figures with bowls instead of heads, the liquid dripping and swishing around meaningfully like a life force or essence of being.
Kyuin Shim's website
Kyuin Shim on Behance
via [l'acte gratuit], [turecepcja]