April 7, 2016

Samsung Patents "Smart Contact Lenses" with Built-In Camera Controlled By Blinking

Wearable technology is a trend that's here to stay, and Samsung has taken a step forward in this field with a plan for innovative eyewear. The company was recently granted a patent in South Korea for contact lenses with a display to project images directly into the wearer's pupils. According to the blog SamMobile, a built-in camera and sensors are controlled by one of our most basic movements–blinking.

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April 7, 2016

Stylish “She Sheds” Are the Relaxing Women’s Version of Man Caves

The “man cave” is a home design trend that's seemingly been around forever. Often confined to a basement or spare bedroom, they offer men a place to retreat from the stresses of everyday life. Since guys have these sanctuaries, it's only fair that women are afforded the same luxury with a special place to call their own. And in fact, these havens do exist–they're known as she sheds!

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April 6, 2016

Tourist Illegally Documents Trip to North Korea and Shares Insightful Photos He Smuggled Home

Earlier this year, London-based photographer Michal Huniewicz traveled to one of the most curious countries in the world–North Korea. He was accompanied by a small tour group and two guides who took them around the capital city of Pyongyang. As you might expect, this trip was not an easy one to make. Among numerous restrictions, photography is generally illegal (except in certain areas), but Huniewicz decided to take his camera anyways.

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April 6, 2016

Eye-Opening Landscape Photos Explore the Environmental Cost of Human Impact

Daniel Beltr is globally recognized for his stunning aerial landscape photography. Though remarkable, his expansive shots aim to communicate more than just the inherent beauty of the land, instead seeking to expose the fragility of our ecosystem and the transformations that are occurring for the sake of human expansion. His artistic perspective simultaneously captures the majestic scale of our beautiful planet while revealing the substantial impacts that we have on the land and our dwindling resources.

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