November 25, 2019

Computer Programmer “Paints” Baroque-Inspired Portraits with CSS

UI Engineer Diana Adrianne Smith merges together her technical knowledge and her admiration for good art to produce beautiful portraits using CSS. Rendered in high detail, Smith has tackled everything from Flemish Baroque paintings to 1950s advertising. It's incredible work that shows just how many creative projects can be done by those with expertise in CSS. It's painstaking work, particularly when it comes to details like hair which requires Smith to type out each strand.

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November 24, 2019

Take a Look Inside the Architecture of Cinema’s Most Infamous Villain Lairs

What do films like Dr. Strangelove, The Spy Who Loved Me, North by Northwest, and Blade Runner 2049 all have in common? Memorable villains. From Karl Stromberg to Phillip Vandamm, one thing all these villains have in common is an incredible hideaway to devise all their evil plans. Not only are these lairs a place to plot and scheme, but they are also fascinating architectural expressions of evil.

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November 22, 2019

8 Online Art Schools to Bring Your Creativity to a Higher Level

Whether you are a budding artist or a professional looking to branch into new areas, enrolling in art school is a big step. For many, getting to a campus and sitting in class simply isn't possible, which is why e-learning is so vital. With more and more universities taking advantage of today's technology, online learning isn't only for your standard academic topics.

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November 22, 2019

Most Creative Facial Hair at the 2019 Beard and Moustache Championships

The annual National Beard and Moustache Championships are an opportunity for facial hair aficionados to gather together and get creative with their grooming. Each year, photographer Greg Anderson makes the journey to document the competition and show off the wild beards and mustaches of the contestants. The 2019 championships were held in Illinois over the course of two days and drew competitors of all ages, races, and genders.

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