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Pop Art by Andy Awesome (10 Sets)

Super Mario Bros

Take art back down to its most basic form and you'll find something like this from Andy Awesome. The coolest part of his art is that he takes you on a walk down memory lane. Who doesn't remember blowing in their Nintendo cartridges trying to get Super Mario Bros to play? Charlie Brown

Star Wars








If you're interested in buying the originals, which are acrylic paint on canvas, contact Andy at art@andyawesome.com. You can download some free wallpaper on AA's site, too. www.andyawesome.com Via Design You Trust Other “Awesome” Art: A-Z of Awesomeness (9 Pics) Hunting Season by Xiaobaosg Smurf Wars! – 3 Awesome Illustrations Simple Sayings, Complex Meanings By ExplodingDog (12 Total) 8-Bit Fatalities – A Gory Depiction of What Really Happened (7 Total)

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