Did you know that scientists have merged jellyfish and feline DNA to create glow-in-the-dark cats? Did you know that the average lead pencil can draw a line 35 miles long? How about the fact that a snail can sleep for up to three years at a time? Using these interesting fun facts and more, children's illustrator Mike Lowery continues to create an educational series of graphics, which he shares on his Instagram account. Each of his drawings present a random factoid accompanied by a whimsical illustration, adding a dose of “cute” and “funny” to each piece. Even the scary and somewhat unappealing facts that revolve around tarantulas, skeletons, and death are given a playful, lighthearted twist thanks to Lowery's artistic work. Lowery's creative illustrations perfectly portray the definition of a fun fact.
To see what fact Lowery discovers (and draws) next, you can follow him on Instagram.
Mike Lowery: Website | Facebook | Instagram
via [Design TAXI]
All images via Mike Lowery.