Yesterday, our friend and ever so talented photographer Alex Stoddard emailed us to tell us about a Kickstarter project that deserves our attention. Michelle Hbert is a 22-year-old up-and-coming designer that creates fashion that seems larger than life. Her dream is to produce her first professional collection focusing on artistic pieces like the ones you see here.
You've seen her friends featured many times right here on My Modern Met. Young photographers Brooke Shaden and Alex Stoddard are both powerhouses in and of themselves. They often collaborate with Michelle to create incredible, fantasy-driven photography. On Michelle's Kickstarter page, watch how these two glowingly describe Michelle's burgeoning talent.
Here's an excerpt from Alex's email, “Her name is Michelle Hbert, and she is an amazing 22-year old fashion designer from Ontario, California. She creates avant-garde clothing that blends fashion with art. She is actually in the final days of a Kickstarter project with which she hopes to bring her designs into production so that she may share them with the public.”
Watch the Kickstarter “Art Meets Fashion” by Michelle Hbert and then donate to make Michelle's dream a reality. (This girl has got talent! Yet, love how she seems so humble.)