When does inspiration strike? It's a common question we ask a lot of the artists who we feature on My Modern Met. Using fired and glazed clay, Tokyo-born artist Naoko Okabe created this striking sculpture called Gift From Above. The 4 foot by 4 foot by 4 foot piece consists of blue glazed bowls with large water droplets dangling over them. It's like the water has finally found its home. (If you look closely, you'll notice small drops underneath the big drops.)
“Sometimes the true meaning of work of art is not revealed to the artist until the play time is over,” she tells us when we ask her about the piece. “When I was playing with a cantaloupe, I was reminded of a monk's offering bowl, which was used to receive food on their pilgrimage. Thus, monks don't have to carry their food. Playful experiments allowed me to create a beautiful crackle effect that made me think of deep, clear waters of a pristine lake. The cantaloupe offering bowl fit nicely in my palms. I looked inside, then I looked up, expecting to see some offering coming down from the sky. What gift comes from the sky? Water. Gift from Above was born. “
Naoko Okabe's website
via [VSL]