Located in Zweibrcken, Germany, The Rose Garden of Princess Hildegard of Bavaria grows more than 60,000 roses of 2,000 varieties and, as a result, Zweibrcken is appropriately known as the City of Roses. In celebration of this alluring flower, German artist Ottmar Hrl developed a massive public art installation, entitled 1,000 Roses for Zweibrcken (2012).
For one month, 1,000 plastic red roses lay in perfect rows in the center of town, creating a public sculpture intended to spark conversation and to build community among viewers and residents. The simple display celebrated the town's signature blossoms and brought people together to admire the gorgeous public display. The artist says, “Above and beyond its symbolic power, the rose thus becomes a ‘social sculpture' in the sense of a stimulant for communication.” The flowers averaged about 12 inches wide and were offered for sale as a memento of the memorable installation.
Ottmar Hrl's website
via [Art Ruby]