Sixteen-year-old Alden Kain designed a device that allows parents in wheelchairs to safely use a stroller. This extraordinary tool was created specifically for Sharina Jones, who was tragically shot at the age of five and lost the ability use her legs. “It was great to meet her and talk to her about what she wants and doesn’t want,” Kain told The Michigan Catholic. “Talking to her was a big help, figuring out the workability of the device, where to put a diaper bag, whether or not she could unhook the stroller and how she can move around in the chair.”
To understand exactly what Jones was going through, Kain spent days in a wheelchair. He then worked for six months on this project, which was also a part of his high school's special design class. Luckily, the dedicated student finished his invention in time for Jones's due date and now she's able to take a stroll with her baby just like other mothers. “I love it,” Jones gushes. “It makes everything so much easier.”
Sharina Jones: Book
via [TODAY Parents, The Michigan Catholic]