Amazing Artificial Ice Storm Represents the Passing of Time

This icy landscape is actually a winter wonderland built during the fall season in South Carolina. Created by artist Carson Fox, Ice Storm was a site-specific installation displayed at Redux Contemporary Art Center, a nonprofit organization committed to fostering creativity. For the project, Fox sculpted cast resin to look like frosty snowflakes, icicles, and snowdrifts. The shapes, which never melted, were developed to explore the concept of an alternative nature. By forming ephemeral objects out of a more permanent substance, Fox created a concept that was within her control.

The installation symbolized the fleeting passing of time and carried strong themes of morbidity. Fox said, “The image of the icicle was taken from a vivid dream I had of my mother shortly after her death. We met together outside of my family house, where the landscape was covered with icicles. I grew anxious as I realized the melting ice symbolized the limit of our time together, and soon both she, and the icicles were gone.”

Carson Fox's website
via [My Amp Goes to 11]

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