
September 18, 2015

Heartwarming Photos Highlight Adventurous Bond Between Pups and Humans

Dogs are known for their loyalty, so it should come as no surprise that man's best friend makes for a fantastic camping companion. Whether they're snuggling in a tent, trekking across a rocky terrain, or just taking in the sights, pups enjoy these adventures just as much as their humans. To illustrate this, the Camping with Dogs Instagram features hundreds of posts that show canines thriving in the great outdoors.

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September 6, 2015

Artist’s Delicate Paper Zoo Bridges the Gap Between 2D and 3D Art

Paper artist Calvin Nicholls continues to develop a paper zoo that's as diverse as it is beautiful. Using scissors, a scalpel, glue, and an X-ACTO knife, the creator forms intricate paper sculptures that look as though they're about to come alive. He recreates a variety of animals—from birds with delicate feathers to sleepy bears and sniffing dogs—with his medium of choice.

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August 19, 2015

Mesmerizing Macro Photos of Cats’ Eyes by Andrew Marttila

Philadelphia-based photographer and self-described “crazy cat man” Andrew Marttila specializes in capturing beautifully expressive portraits of adorable felines. His latest work includes a series of macro shots that zoom in on cats' eyes, showing every minute detail of the creature's colorful iris and slitted pupil. Ranging in hue from mottled gold to ice blue to emerald green, each cat's eye is a mesmerizing reflection of the fierce and magnetic personalities of our feline overlords.

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