
July 2, 2023

19th-Century Map Shows That Beaver Dams Can Last Over a Century

The American beaver is a mighty creature. Once incredibly numerous, they figured heavily in indigenous worldviews in the Americas. When Europeans arrived, they prized the beaver for its pelt, and it was hunted almost to extinction over the following centuries. However, these small mammals have been part of another enduring legacy through their effect on the changing American landscape.

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June 26, 2023

22 Animals Who Have Perfected the Art of Camouflage

The animal kingdom can be harsh. What to do if you are a small animal trying to defend yourself or a predator who wants to stealthily stalk their prey? Evolution's answer—camouflage. While we often think of the chameleon as the perfect example of camouflage, in reality, things are much more complex. Two types of camouflage tactics exist, one that makes animals difficult to see—crypsis—and one that disguises them as something else—mimesis.

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