
October 31, 2022

Look at How Cats Were Portrayed in Medieval Art

Art has changed a great deal over the past centuries. By looking back at different art movements, we can see the evolution of different aesthetics and approaches to painting, sculpture, and other media. But while creative styles have shifted over time, the interest in certain subjects has remained the same for most artists. Case in point: cats have had a storied relationship in art that stretches all the way back to ancient Egypt.

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October 17, 2022

Wax Worms Can Break Down Plastic With Their Saliva

A scientist was tending to her amateur beehives one day when she noticed something strange. She had removed a bunch of wax worms—larvae that live in beehives and feast upon the wax combs—and placed them in a plastic trash bag. Strangely, the bag was now full of holes. “We found it wasn’t only chewing,” Dr. Federica Bertocchini from the Biological Research Centre in Madrid recalls, “it was [chemical breakdown], so that was the beginning of the story.

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