
July 11, 2022

Yellowstone Park Reminds Visitors To Stay Away From Animals After Two Bison Attacks in Three Days

Over 5,000 bison freely roam Yellowstone National Park. These incredible animals are a symbol of American history and the park is the only location in America that these prehistoric animals have always called home. However, a spate of bison attacks on park visitors has brought renewed attention to how we interact—or rather shouldn't interact—with these animals.

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July 7, 2022

Winners of the 2022 Audubon Photography Awards Celebrate the Beauty of Our Feathered Friends

Now in its 13th year, the Audubon Photography Awards are a celebration of bird photography. Arranged by the National Audubon Society, an organization whose mission is to protect birds and their environment, the contest had 2,500 entries from across the United States and Canada. This year's grand prize went to Jack Zhi for his image of two raptors in flight. The photo, taken in California, shows a white-tailed kite hovering in mid-air.

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June 29, 2022

Last Known Member of Giant Tortoise Species Thought To Be Extinct Is Discovered on Galápagos Islands

In 1906, researchers from the California Academy of Sciences captured (and stuffed) a giant tortoise. The male critter had roamed Fernandina Island, one of the islands of the gorgeous Galápagos. Known scientifically as chelonoidis phantasticus, the poor reptile was thought to be the last of its species—magnificent, ancient, yet extinct. However, after a century of tantalizing clues, biologists have shocking news. The species, whose name is Latin for “fantastic giant tortoise,” is not extinct.

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June 22, 2022

Funny Dog Brings His Mom Presents While She’s in the Shower

If pets experience the same five love languages as humans, it'd be fair to say most dogs thrive on affection and quality time. Then there's Fin, who also communicates by regularly giving gifts. Whether he's giving the gifts selflessly or has an ulterior motive questionable, though. Fin isn't the biggest fan of his mom taking showers. She's gone so long, which means there's less time to play.

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