
September 13, 2021

Domino Tower on the Manmade Island of Zanzibar Could Become the Second Tallest Tower in Africa

This ambitious design proposal might just become the second tallest tower in Africa. Architecture and Interior firm xCassia was commissioned by Tanzania’s AICL Group and Edinburgh Crowland Management Ltd for the design of this soaring edifice. The proposal seeks to program Zanzibar, a manmade island of Tanzania, to help rebuild the economy after the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism.

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September 5, 2021

Serene Home in Kyoto Conceals an Inner Courtyard With a Sacred Rock in the Center

Known as the House of the Sacred Rock, this contemporary Japanese dwelling is centered around a serene courtyard with a beautiful story. Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP designed the northern Kyoto home to feel visually connected to the natural views of Mount Hiei and other elements of the surrounding landscape. At the same time, they also wanted to retain privacy from next-door neighbors.

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