Art History

September 20, 2021

10 Movies That Bring The Lives of Great Artists to the Silver Screen

While it's certainly interesting to read about the lives of famous artists, there's something about seeing them on screen that can't be replicated. So many famous artists have had such incredible lives that they seem made for a movie, and thankfully some incredible films about painters have been made throughout the years. Some are closer to documentaries, while others take some liberties with their scripts, but they all paint fascinating pictures of their subjects.

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August 26, 2021

Vermeer Painting Restoration Reveals a Portrait of Cupid Hidden for Over 350 Years

Johannes Vermeer is an intriguing artist. Moderately successful during his time, the Dutch painter died leaving his family in debt and having produced a limited number of paintings. In fact, only 34 paintingsโ€”including his famous Girl with the Pearl Earringโ€”are attributed to him today. However, his popularity rose after the 19th century and today, whenever there is news of a Vermeer, it makes waves.

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August 13, 2021

Stroll Through Art History With This Timeline of 10 Famous Sculptures [Infographic]

Pablo Picasso once said that โ€œsculpture is the art of the intelligence.โ€ Indeed, sculpture has a long and storied history dating back to antiquity. In both Western and Eastern cultures, refined sculpture has been a hallmark of high culture. Whether using wood, stone, or metal, sculptors have achieved incredible results in three dimensions. And while there are plenty of marvelous sculptures that have been created over time, some have become landmarks in art history.

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August 8, 2021

Uncover the History Behind Rembrandtโ€™s Masterpiece Painting โ€˜The Night Watchโ€™

Rembrandt van Rijn was one of the most prolific artists of the Dutch Golden Age. As a master of three types of media, he produced numerous sketches, prints, and paintings that continue to be admired today. However, among his impressive oeuvre, there is one piece that stands out from the rest: a fascinating group portrait painting called The Night Watch.

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