
February 10, 2025

Artist Celebrates Birth of His Third Child in Ongoing Comic Series About Parenthood

Illustrator Yehuda Devir is known for capturing the humor and warmth of everyday family life in his ongoing comic series, One of Those Days. When we last featured his work in 2020, he was illustrating heartwarming moments with his wife and their then 1-year-old daughter. Nearly five years later, Devir’s family has grown, and the couple are now proud parents of three adorable children.

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May 20, 2022

Comic Artist Captures the Daily Pressures of What It’s Like To Be a Woman Today

Artist Lainey Molnar continues to capture what it is like to be a modern woman in her ongoing series of comics. Initially sparked by the first COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020, her creative practice has blossomed online, with hundreds of thousands of people from around the world following her highly popular Instagram account. The success of her digital comics can be attributed to their honesty, understanding, and underlying messages of empowerment to all women.

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