
July 16, 2024

How To Build Up an Art Habit To Make Sure You’re Always Creating

Are you an art hobbyist or perhaps an art enthusiast who wants to become an artist? In either case, finding time and motivation to make art can be a challenge. With work, school, friends, family, and household chores, it’s easy to neglect your recreational passion. Perhaps your last artworks were finger paintings for mom's refrigerator, but you want to learn something new.

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June 25, 2024

Practice Sketching Like Your Favorite Artists Through Portraiture

Art trends come and go, but no matter the era, portraits are a foundational subject for artists. As far back as 5,000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians were making portraits of their royalty and deities. Even the invention of photography couldn't keep artists from depicting faces in their works. Some of the most iconic 20th-century artists such as Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhol played with portraits to redefine art itself.

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June 4, 2024

Illustrator Teaches How To Capture Your Favorite Animals in Vibrant Colored Inks

Whether you're a self-identifying crazy cat person or dog parent, or you prefer to admire animals from afar, chances are there is at least one critter that moves you. Soaring eagles are majestic; otherworldly octopuses inspire fascination; even your local raccoon might have caught your eye (along with your trash). Animals have been the subject of artworks for 40,000 years with pigs, bulls, and horses all making appearances in the most ancient cave paintings discovered.

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May 14, 2024

5 Spring Blooms You Can Use To Make Enchanting Pressed Botanical Art

As May is in full swing, it's finally feeling like spring. More and more people are headed outdoors, enjoying the warmer weather. While spending time outside, this is the perfect time to be on the lookout for flowers to pick. And on rainy days, you can keep on celebrating the season by pressing flowers and making lush compositions to keep spring in your home year-round. Not all flowers are as easily pressed as others though.

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