
July 22, 2024

Sleep Study Shows Two Nights of Bad Sleep Ages You Four Years

We all know that getting a good night's sleep is important, but a new study sheds light on just how much. According to researchers from Stockholm University, sleep actually affects how old you feel. This means that sleeping well can leave you feeling young and refreshed. But, on the flip side, a few bad nights of sleep will age you.

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June 24, 2024

U.S. Government’s Recommended Thermostat Temperatures Have Absolutely Shocked Everyone

Much of the continental United States is under a heat advisory at the moment due to rising summer temperatures. In response to this, the U.S. Government recently released guidelines on what temperatures people should keep their thermostats at during the summer, recommending 78°F when you're home, 85°F when you're away, and 82°F when you're sleeping. However, these suggestions have sparked quite a bit of controversy online.

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June 5, 2024

This Reverse Ishihara Vision Test Only Works If You’re Colorblind

At some point in your life, It’s likely you have come across—and perhaps even taken—an Ishihara test. Whether online or when having your eyes checked, this test is a vision test to check for colorblindness. If everything is in order, you're usually able to distinguish a number or pattern between a conjunction of red and green dots. But did you know this test also works the other way around?

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April 18, 2024

Global Life Expectancy Is 6.2 Years Longer Than Before

Life expectancy has increased over time, due in large part to modern medicine and access to healthcare. People in the developed world have a much better chance of making it to their elderly years compared to our ancestors 100 years ago or more. A new study, by researchers from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) and published in The Lancet, has announced an increase of global life expectancy by 6.

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