
September 12, 2024

Fascinating Lifespan Map Reveals Which Famous Figures Overlapped in Time

If you’ve ever pondered which famous person, alive or dead, you’d like to have dinner with, you’ve likely dreamed of connecting your life with the legends who shaped history. A fascinating data visualization called The Big Map of Who Lived When, created by Redditor profound_whatever, brings this idea to life. It displays the lifespans of historical and contemporary figures in a timeline, revealing surprising connections and overlaps of people who lived during the same time.

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December 23, 2023

These Are the Logos Used by Tourism Boards in Each U.S. State and Around the World

Places big and small have one thing in common—they all rely on tourism to boost their economies. And much like companies, they also need an alluring logo that both inspires new customers (or travelers) and represents what's best about their area. Have you ever seen the logo for the place you live in? Maybe it's colorful and fun, or elegant and simple.

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