Photo: welcomia/Depositphotos
Whether it is used or new, there's a lot to keep in mind when buying a car. The model, year, and mileage and are all important factor to consider. While color may be a superficial aspect compared to the functionality, the shade of the car is often the first thing others will notice about your vehicle—just ask anyone hailing an Uber of Lyft. Visual Capitalist created a graphic based on automotive research tool I See Cars‘ report about the most popular car colors in the U.S. in 2023, and the results go further than a simple color choice.
Leading the pack is white at 26%. According to some users, this color is favored for keeping vehicles cooler in sunny areas, as well as needing lower maintenance when it comes to minor scratches—making them ideal for fleets. Next in the lineup is black at 22%, and close behind are two similar shades, gray and the lighter shade of silver, at 19% and 12% respectively. The first vibrant color on the list is blue at 10%, followed by red at 8%.
However, while white, black, and gray shades are often preferred for practical reasons, another factor for their popularity is availability. Most car dealers only have neutral colors on hand, and requesting something different can mean a backorder, with the buyer not receiving their car for months. Many times, this results in shoppers picking whatever is readily available. The current choice of colors also speaks to the evolution of car trends. Shades like beige and gold were very popular in the late 90s and early 2000s, while they barely make up 0.6% of the car sales these days.
Altogether, neutral shades make up nearly 80% of cars on the roads today. Only time will tell if bright hues will reign at some point of the future. They would definitely bring a much needed pop of color to many big cities.
You can explore Visual Capitalist's Most popular car colors graph below.
Can you guess what are the most popular car color in the U.S.?

Photo: welcomia/Depositphotos
Visual Capitalist created a graphic based on automotive research tool I See Cars' report about the most popular car colors in the U.S. in 2023.
A cool guide to The most popular car colors in the US
byu/myvortexlife1012 incoolguides
h/t: [Reddit]
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