
January 6, 2023

Study Links Drinking Water to Healthy Aging and Preventing Chronic Disease

The science of aging is ever evolving. Tips and tricks abound for how to age gracefully, actively, or any other number of adjectives. However one hopes to age, most people seek to remain healthy. Now, a new study published in eBioMedicine indicates that staying well hydrated may slow aging and stave off disease. This is just another reason to drink water! Researchers analyzed data from 11,255 adults over a 30-year period.

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October 21, 2022

Study Finds That Petting Dogs May Give Us the Same Brain Benefits as Socializing With Humans

We all love our animal friends, and there's nothing better than spending some downtime with a loyal canine companion. In fact, science now suggests that interaction with a pet is comparable to one with human friends. According to the new study, petting and stroking our furry friends may even give us the same benefits as socializing, and the evidence of it lies in our neurology.

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September 27, 2022

Study Reveals How Many Steps You Should Walk a Day To Stay Healthy

Do you move at every opportunity, or are you more of a couch potato? Many of us sit for long stretches at work or enjoy a good Netflix binge in our downtime. But, this all means that we don't move as much as we should for optimal health. A new study published in Jama International Medicine confirms that the more you walk, the lower your risk of cancer and other conditions. Quality is important, too.

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