Artist Creates Heavenly Reliefs That Grace Homes With Divine Beauty

The sculptures that Hossein Behzadi creates are angelic—literally. Equipped with only a palette knife, the self-taught artist sculpts reliefs of beautiful, otherworldly women emerging from walls. Even though his reliefs are made of plaster, they are far from ordinary; each sculpture features long, flowing garments and hair, further contributing to their ethereal beauty. Some women are even gifted a pair of majestic feathered wings, and they look poised to fly out of the wall at any moment.

The amount of work that goes into Behzadi's sculptures is immense, and it may be difficult for the average person to visualize how he is able to create such stunning art from such simple materials. Fortunately, the sculptor regularly posts reels on his Instagram page that detail his creative process. Extraordinarily, all of his sculptures begin with a simple sketch outline on the wall before he applies layer after layer of plaster. As Behzadi gets further into a project, sweeping fabric, delicate hands, and flowing hair details begin to take shape.

Even though the artist specializes in reliefs of women and angels, his talents do not stop there. His ability to capture the beauty of everyday plants is also awe-inspiring. In one of his pieces, a bouquet of flowers blooms out of the wall, and falling petals become permanently suspended in time.

To keep up to date with Behzadi's work, you can follow him on Instagram and YouTube.

Hossein Behzadi sculpts plaster reliefs of angelic women.

By sculpting flowing hair and beautiful loose fabric, his creations take on an ethereal quality.

Amazingly, Behzadi only outlines the relief before he begins sculpting, which makes his work all the more impressive.

Even though most of Behzadi's work features angelic women, he is also extremely talented at sculpting plants that bloom out of the wall.

Hossein Behzadi: Instagram | YouTube

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Sarah Currier

Sarah Currier is a Contributing Writer at My Modern Met. Based in central Iowa, she is currently enrolled at Iowa State University and is working toward a BA in Journalism and Mass Communication with a minor in English. She loves all things creative, and when she’s not writing, you can find her immersed in the worlds of television, film, and literature.
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