Photo: Stock Photos from Alexey Seafarer/Shutterstock
With their plush coats and charming personalities, it's no wonder foxes are among the most beloved animals on the internet. Although most people are familiar with the handsome red fox, there are actually several different types of this small canine. The kind most commonly found in the arctic tundra of the northern hemisphere is appropriately named the arctic fox and it closely resembles its scarlet relative, save for its distinct white fur.
Want to learn how to capture this beautiful animal when it's curled up to rest? This tutorial will walk you through the steps on how to render a sleeping arctic fox with a pencil, before completing it in ink. All you'll need to get started is a pencil, eraser, pen, and some paper. Ready to get started? Then, let's draw an arctic fox!
Learn how to draw a sleeping arctic fox in nine steps
Step 1: Draw a circle

Art & Photo: Margherita Cole | My Modern Met
Begin by lightly sketching a circle for the head.
Step 2: Add the snout

Art & Photo: Margherita Cole | My Modern Met
Then, add two wings of fur to either side of the fox's head, and a short snout at the bottom of the circle.
Step 3: Add the ears

Art & Photo: Margherita Cole | My Modern Met
Next, add two large half-oval shapes to the top of the head—these will be the ears.
Step 4: Draw the body

Art & Photo: Margherita Cole | My Modern Met
Now, it's time to sketch the fox's body. Since it's curled up to sleep, you'll draw a wide rounded rectangle/trapezoid.
Step 5: Sketch the tail

Art & Photo: Margherita Cole | My Modern Met
Next, sketch a long, thick tail at the bottom of the body. It should extend until it tucks under the fox's chin.
Step 6: Draw the eyes and nose

Art & Photo: Margherita Cole | My Modern Met
Now, you will return to the fox's head and add its facial features. Begin by sketching a pair of wide, slanted eyes halfway down the circle. Then, draw a round-shaped nose near the end of the fox's snout.
Step 7: Add texture

Art & Photo: Margherita Cole | My Modern Met
Arctic foxes are, of course, known for their plush white coats that keep them warm in cold temperatures. So, to capture some of that fuzziness, add numerous expressive lines all over the fox's body and especially on either side of the fox's face.
Step 8: Add a background

Art & Photo: Margherita Cole | My Modern Met
Then, if you want to complete your drawing, consider adding a simple background. This can be anything from fluffy snow to grass and rocks. Another way to add some artistic flair to your illustration is to add a few decorative elements like semi-circular borders. This can be done by using a compass or protractor. Once you have a curved line, you can add small dots along the path.
Step 9: Go over the drawing in ink

Art & Photo: Margherita Cole | My Modern Met
Finally, it is time to go over your final drawing in ink. Using your favorite pen, slowly trace over the lines, taking care not to smear any ink. Once you've gone over the entire drawing, and given the ink ample time to dry, carefully erase any remaining pencil marks. At this time, you can revisit the illustration and see whether you need to add more texture to any areas like the fox's fur or the ground. Hatching, cross-hatching, and stippling are all excellent ways to fill large areas of space.
Afterward, you can either add color to your illustration or leave it as is for a striking black and white drawing of an arctic fox!
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