December 4, 2023

Watch Jon Batiste “Break Musical Barriers” by Playing Beethoven’s ‘Für Elise’ as Blues and Gospel Music

Classical music sometimes seems worlds away from more contemporary genres. And yet, it is all connected. Grammy Award winner Jon Batiste is keenly aware of this, having received training in both classical and jazz training, as well as having experimented with pop and rock in his latest albums. When asked in an interview about breaking musical barriers, he took to the piano, and let the first notes from Beethoven's “Für Elise” do the explaining.

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December 4, 2023

Stars Align for Photographer in this Rare Photo of an Aurora, STEVE, and the Milky Way

When British photographer Stephen Pemberton heard reports that the Aurora borealis would be visible in his area, he quickly gathered his camera equipment and headed out the door. He made his way to his favorite location in Northumberland—the Howick Bath House. Free from light pollution, the structure makes for an interesting setting. Once he arrived, he was pleased to see that the Aurora was active, but he certainly didn't expect what came next.

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December 3, 2023

Kenya Celebrates Its First National Tree Planting Holiday by Planting 100 Million Seedlings

While small actions can help fight global warming, the best efforts are those coordinated on a larger scale with support from the government. A great example of this has taken place in Kenya, where they just celebrated their first National Tree Planting Day on November 13. Like the name suggests, this special holiday aimed to bring all Kenyans together in planting 100 million trees.

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