November 17, 2015

Famous Works of Art Undergo a "Gluten-Free" Transformation

Gluten Free Museum is a Tumblr blog with a sense of humor that's giving acclaimed artwork a dietary makeover, revealing just how many pieces are full of gluten. By removing wheat, barley, and rye from Salvador Dal, Ridley Scott, Pieter Brueghel, and many other creatives' portfolios, an entirely different perspective is shown.

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November 16, 2015

Artist Combines Paintings Found in Flea Markets to Form Extraordinary Fictional Landscapes

Artist J.Frede‘s creative journey begins at a local flea market. He explores each emporium of interesting objects in search of your average landscape painting. The artist then takes these common canvases and reconstructs them into something that's impressively unique. By placing the works side-by-side and aligning them in an abstract, varied fashion, the artist manages to create new landscapes that span across decades and locations. J.

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November 16, 2015

Thought-Provoking Visualizations of Landmarks Overwhelmed by Rising Sea Levels in the Year 2100

Rising sea levels are a hazard that we are all aware of, set into motion by greenhouse gas emissions that are affecting global temperatures. The following series of images, created by visual artist Nickolay Lamm in coordination with Climate Central, depicts iconic coastal cities from around the world and the radical impacts that rising sea levels could have on these familiar settings by the year 2100.

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