August 11, 2020

This Snapchat Filter Will Instantly Turn Your Dog Into a Disney Character

If you think that the animals in Disney films are adorable, then Snapchat has a new filter you're sure to love. Called “cartoon face,” it transforms your dog into a “Disneyfied” version of themselves, making them even cuter than they already are. This is not a filter by Disney, but the illustration style recalls the aesthetic of their classic flicks like 101 Dalmatians and Lady and the Tramp.

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August 10, 2020

New Zealand Achieves 100 Days Without Coronavirus Transmission

Sunday August 9th marked 100 days since the last known community transmission of the coronavirus in New Zealand. Right now, the country of five million inhabitants reports only 23 active cases of COVID-19, all held in managed isolation facilities. While New Zealand is known internationally for its stunning landscapes (featured in the Lord of the Rings movie series)

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August 10, 2020

This Dog Takes the Bus by Herself to Walk Around at the Park

Every morning, a very independent pooch named Eclipse leaves her house alone. She’s on a mission: get to the dog park located in the heart of Downtown Seattle. Over the years, Eclipse has become a favorite among Seattle commuters and is now seen as an inspiration, being called an “independent woman.” Each day, like a very good girl, she waits patiently at the bus stop by her home.

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August 9, 2020

Photographer Captures Sight of a Rare Comet That Only Appears Every 6,800 Years

Photographer Dan Zafra from Capture the Atlas is used to traveling to exotic locations to capture his imagery. But his latest weekend adventure took him to a new place that was a little closer to home—the Adirondack Mountains. Located in the northeastern part of New York state, this gorgeous landscape is known as one of the darkest parts of the East Coast.

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