June 19, 2020

6 Contemporary Glass Painting Artists Who Are Keeping the Ancient Art Alive

Whether it's blown, cast, cut, or colored, glass has endless artistic possibilities. The material was adopted by ancient Egyptians who used it to create trinkets and colored beads. From the 1st century onwards, the Romans used glass to create decorative vessels and mosaics. However, it wasn’t until the Middle Ages that artisans began painting the transparent material with colorful pigment to create vibrant stained glass designs.

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June 19, 2020

You Can Get a Custom Mask of Your Own Face So It Looks Like You’re Not Wearing One

Wearing protective face masks has become part of the “new normal,” and creatives all over the world are selling non-medical grade cloth coverings that allow us to colorfully express our personality. However, if you’re getting bored of your plain or patterned masks, and you just want to show off that lovely face of yours, perhaps San Francisco designer Danielle Baskin has a quirky solution.

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