Magic Circle is Rogan Brown‘s latest collection of intricately detailed paper microorganisms. The Anglo-Irish artist uses a combination of hand and laser cuts to create vividly textured paper sculptures reflecting patterns that naturally occur all around us in coral, bacteria, and microbes. Each piece is completely unique and fictional, as Brown chooses to explore the interplay between imagination and the “real” world to create these hypnotic, all-white sculptures.
Currently living in the middle of the forest, on a mountain in the South of France, Brown draws inspiration from the variety and complexity of the world around him. Delving into paper as a medium was something of a happy coincidence for the artist. After he completed his education in London, he found his niche with these intricate bio-sculptures. Each piece requires hours of tedious cutting and layering of paper, with a final result that is stunningly elaborate. “I am inspired in part by the tradition of scientific drawing and model making, and particularly the work of artist-scientists such as Ernst Haeckel,” Brown says. “But although my approach involves careful observation and detailed ‘scientific' preparatory drawings, these are always superseded by the work of the imagination; everything has to be refracted through the prism of the imagination, estranged and in some way transformed.”
Magic Circle is currently on display at the Aqua Art Fair in Miami, through C. Emerson Fine Arts.