You’ve probably finished watching Stranger Things weeks ago and, like us, you’re already itching for more. The wait between season one and two seems like a lifetime, but luckily, Doug the Pug is here to help fill the void. He’s created an homage to the already-iconic Netflix series with Stranger Pugs, an adorably hilarious portrayal that imagines the show in an alternate, pug-filled reality.
Doug plays every character, donning wigs and 80’s-style clothing in settings that define the show. He captures Eleven’s love of waffles and Joyce’s ingenious use of Christmas lights, in addition to honoring the universally-loved Barb with fabulous red curls and giant glasses. It’s a spot-on depiction of the show, just with more panting.
See all of Doug’s Stranger Things transformations in Stranger Pugs, below.