Adorable Video Shows Students Choosing How To Greet Their Teacher Every Morning

Maybe maybe maybe
byu/KipferlAG inmaybemaybemaybe

Teachers are in unique positions to impact their young students' lives and make positive change. This influence is especially important when students are young. That's why many people have fond memories of their elementary school teachers and the supportive relationship they forged with them. A recent viral video illustrates this wholesome and long-lasting connection perfectly.

In the video, a teacher from Thailand demonstrates the morning welcoming process for her pupils. Her students—who number 17 in total—each approach the classroom door in a straight line. Once they get in front of their teacher, they can press their hand against one of six papers hung up on a small board. Each sheet has a different illustration on it, symbolizing a form of greeting. By selecting an image off the board, the student is given the opportunity to decide how they greet their teacher that day. The short video shows some children opting to press the red heart drawing, which earns them a hug from their instructor. Others choose to do a shimmying dance or jump, and the jovial educator joins in on the fun. The most reserved students prefer a high-five or fist bump. Regardless of what they choose, it is clear that all of the students love their teacher.

The video has recently gone viral on Reddit, with commenters weighing in and sharing their opinions. Many wondered if students were influenced by the classmates that went before them when making their decisions. Others shared heartwarming stories about their child's teacher doing something similar at their local school. If the comment section is anything to go by, most of the Redditors who chimed in would have chosen a hug, and that also seems to be the most popular decision amongst the students.

h/t: [Reddit]

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Sarah Currier

Sarah Currier is a Contributing Writer at My Modern Met. Based in central Iowa, she is currently enrolled at Iowa State University and is working toward a BA in Journalism and Mass Communication with a minor in English. She loves all things creative, and when she’s not writing, you can find her immersed in the worlds of television, film, and literature.
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