
June 21, 2024

Rare Photos of Frida Kahlo on Display in New York City

Visionary artist Frida Kahlo led a fascinating life that continues to capture the public's imagination. A new exhibition in New York City gives a deeper insight into all facets of her life by displaying nearly 50 photographs of the artist. FRIDA KAHLO, Forever Yours, on view at Throckmorton Fine Art, moves from her early photographs taken by family members to her iconic portraits by Nickolas Muray.

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June 19, 2024

Artist Uses UV Light to “Photograph” the Invisible and Bring Ancient African Folklore Into the Light

Darkness is a challenge for many photographers. A badly lit room can ruin an image, and the absence of light can make it impossible for the camera to capture anything at all. What if darkness was not only a resource but also a meaningful vessel? Multimedia artist Mikael Owunna turns the principles of photography on its head to bring ancient African folklore to light in his new exhibition titled Imagine Fresh Darkness.

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June 17, 2024

Captivating Iris Photography Captures the Unique Galaxies Within Each of Our Eyes

We see the world through our eyes, but it turns out there's a whole world to see within our eyes. Photographers like Mitchell Zeer, founder of Iris Photo, are placing the spotlight on our mesmerizing orbs. Through macro photography, high-resolution images of our irises (the colored circle around our pupils) are transformed into otherworldly deserts and galaxies. Irises are unique for each person, just like our fingerprints.

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June 7, 2024

Young Cancer Survivors Reunite for Poignant Portrait 10 Years After Their First Remission Photo

Ten years ago, three girls posed for a beautiful portrait that wound up making the rounds online and gaining a lot of praise and support for the brave girls. Six-year-old Rheann Franklin, 4-year-old Ainsley Peters, and 3-year-old were battling cancer at the time, but embraced each other to send a message: “Sometimes strength comes in knowing you're not alone.

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